Friday, December 7, 2007

Heading up country.

I want to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas!!! I will be thinking of and missing you all very much.

Andrea thanks for sending a photo of you and booz, I've missed him.

I head up country to my site in the next few days and I'll be there for 3 months so "snail mail". I'm planning on writing lots of letters and will be able to with training being done. I have to say that my job will be challenging and I'm looking forward to my new home and village.

My phone is up and running (see your e-mails for the number:)

It's official I'm a Peace Corp Volunteer!!! I swore in today with the rest of my group.

Sending much love from The Gambia!!!!!
Big fat Christmas hugs,

PS I noticed if you click on the photo's it blows them up for you:)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Heading out soon.

Sitting on the main S. highway.

How are you all doing? I can't believe it Dec. I'm picturing you all bundled up against the cold and the holiday season is in full swing. Here it is still about 90 degrees during the day and around 75+ at night. Well I'm in Kombo (what they call the city area) for another week, which is full of more training.

My Peace Corps crew. They're awesome!

At the end of the week I will go to the markets to gather up all the stuff I will need for the next two years (things like a stove, bed, dishes, etc.) then I will head out to my official site which is on the South side of the country right off the Gambian highway. It's a sweet little village and my host family (Njie's) are awesome!! They are so happy, kind and thoughtful. I'm the 14 volunteer they've hosted so they understand Americans a little more than most, so that's nice. My job is working with Kiang West National Park, Gambia's biggest natural park. As far as my's wide open. I'll do what ever is needed, which is a lot. It's a beautiful park with lots of hiking and wildlife (African wildlife:)

My Thanksgiving in a really fancy home with all the PCV's in The Gambia. Sorry it's blurry.

I LOVE my house! It's big with a little back yard that's big enough for a small garden and my home is shaded by a big tree. I'm really eager to get done with training, move into my place, unpack the suitcase I've been living out of, start to get to know my family and community better and start some actual work. I will be in my village for the next three months solid (PC calls this the 3 month challenge) it's a crucial time to get to know your community and for them to get to know you.

Hiking with a boy.

Rice field art.

I will not be able to write during this time or anytime that I'm at my "site" because there are no computers by or in my village but I will be getting a cell phone in the next couple of days so a chat is very likely. I will be heading into the Kombo area at least once every month though so I will continue to write and post photo's after 3 month challenge.

Write again before I leave.
Big hugs,

PS Any names or details (my phone number, name of my village, etc) will be sent to personal e-mail accounts. That's just the way its got to be.