Friday, December 7, 2007

Heading up country.

I want to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas!!! I will be thinking of and missing you all very much.

Andrea thanks for sending a photo of you and booz, I've missed him.

I head up country to my site in the next few days and I'll be there for 3 months so "snail mail". I'm planning on writing lots of letters and will be able to with training being done. I have to say that my job will be challenging and I'm looking forward to my new home and village.

My phone is up and running (see your e-mails for the number:)

It's official I'm a Peace Corp Volunteer!!! I swore in today with the rest of my group.

Sending much love from The Gambia!!!!!
Big fat Christmas hugs,

PS I noticed if you click on the photo's it blows them up for you:)


Anonymous said...

If you want to call Amber, you can call using Skype. Skype operates by calling through your computer, using an inexpensive headset, and calling either a land/cell phone, or another computer (which is free). It is super super cheap to call just about anywhere in the world...

Anonymous said...

hey bers* damn an stuff! you;ve loaded up on here eh. finally. i love that ur diggin all of every thing around you as long as its worth being there. i think about u often, friggin love an miss you alot* i wrote u a letter since i didn't think u had computer access awhile back but never sent it it was a sad one. but i'll mail u a letter by the end of the week an i'm callin u tomorrow i got a # from andrea hope it works,actually call ya today. love u write me .

Anonymous said...

Amber my bird loving friend - I miss you and will send you out a package sometime soon... I think of you often and hope that your adventure in the bush will always be productive, safe and full of adventure... Much Love - Aaron V.