Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Braken in.

I miss you all! This has to be quick unfortunately, eight others are waiting to write home. I had a fantastic birthday here in The Gambia. My follow volunteers sang me Happy Birthday 6 times (all by surprise) through out the day.

I've been assigned my language, Mandinka it is. It's the wides language spoken here in Gambia. My teachers name in Muhammidoo and he is very fun.

I, along with several others have been "broken in". I've just got over the big sickness that everyone is expected to go through but I'm all better now.

I will write more before heading out to the training village (this Friday). Send me your letters!

Big hugs!

PS Lisa so glad to hear it (about jess). So know what the baby is yet?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday and are feeling better. Boozer and I miss you and we can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Mom and Dad said...

Mom, and I are sitting here reading
your blog page and thinking of you, glad all is well,we love you
Bob and Becky

Gregg Gillett said...

Hi Amber, this is Dad (your real Dad) and Gram writing---We are most glad that you set up this Blogger account and showed us how to use it the last night you were with us!! We don't know how often you get a chance to actually log on here to read these messages but we are sending you this one anyway.
I don't know if you heard from Lisa or not yet--In case you haven't, I talked to her today and she had just come back from having an ultra-sound and she is going to have a BOY!!! She was very pleased and happy about the whole thing. We are all fine and think about you often and keep you in our prayers always. Gram has your name on the temple prayer rolls and remember the father's blessing that I gave you before you left--(Father is just a prayer away)--Love you, Love you, Love you---Your Father--Gregg 10-3-07

Anonymous said...

FRICK! N A! icant believe dad snaked my news of all the things FRICK! an shame on you dad SHAME! YEAH a boy just what i wanted not a frilly pink pony loving girl i would of been able to realate but not for long eh, you know... ILOVEUBER! things R great round here seems like everyone is getting over a slight depression which is super common since its all rainy now, i went dancing again but it only lasted an 1hr an a 1/2 an i think it was the last time i might try an push it but i'm really getting big now ugh. an duck like, waddle waddle um this thing seems so in personal espeacialy since all can read.love u

Lehuagal said...

Happy Birthday sweetie! Sounds like you found your place in life, you go girl and help all that you can. You were sent there for a reason, now go and enjoy it!